Archive | July, 2011

1Malaysia International Night Flora Parade 2011

14 Jul

… and THAT is one long title, huh?? :-p

Earlier at the office, I had received a note from my boss to nominate anoyone in my Unit to attend the function in Putrajaya. To be fair to all, I nominated myself since I lived only 15mins away. I’d hate to inconvenience anyone on a week night, and besides, it would be great fun for Aina as well.

And so immediately after work, I picked up hubby and headed home to pick up Aina and Ana.

We decided to have dinner at our favourite Arab restaurant, then head straight to Putrajaya with a short stop at Taman Warisan for maghrib.


It started off with a cultural performances of drums….


Aina, eagerly awaiting for the parade to start….

Tourism Malaysia


And the finale was great!!


There were altogether 13 entries (yes, it was a competition), and we also had participation from Brunei as well as some corporate biggies in the industry. The VIP audiences got to vote, along with a panel of judges.

On the “dduuhhh!” side of things, the event is generally known as the Floria or Floral Parade but of course for the boat parade it was use of lights and LEDs, so the “DDuuuhhh!” question is, where are the flower bits?



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